Talk:Tom Driscoll/@comment-

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I personally recommend putting there "may have" because it's nowhere stated that he has one, the game only has the one single line, doesn't even say what prosthesis and nothing is mentioned about it ever again, and Tom doesn't react to it in any way. Also who would provide the prosthetic arm and the involved medical procedures? The Iskari? They don't have the technology, they are just hunters. Rainer? He's not a doctor or a mechanic, he's a xenobiologist and a physicist/scientist.

Actually, it just occurred to me - it's very likely that in the early version he was supposed to have the bionic arm right from the start, which would explain everything - that's why Rainer only says it's operational, and Tom just thanks him for his summary of his state - he's had it before the crash, so he only need to know if it's still operational! :) Mystery explained! And they just forgot to delete that line out of the game, since given that they already had the graphics for it in the early build (evidence by the screenshot provided), it's easy to have forgotten about that one line while removing the graphics for it.

(there might have been other talk about it btw, like on the ship or the shuttle, since it would be good storytelling to say why does he have it or how does it feel, what does it do (perhaps during a medical checkup or a comment from someone on the ship like "Looks like your arm is working," or "Watch out so that it doesn't malfunction in the atmosphere, haha!" from Joe as a joke or something, or one of the other peple on the ship; or during his talks with Rainer when he asks him about him - it's interesting that Rainer talks about himself but Tom doesn't say anything about his past, maybe Rainer asked him back or inquired directly about the arm (or both, "What about you? How did you get your arm?") and that's when Tom speaks about it). Or after waking up after the crash and the Iskari/Rainer commenting about it, as they wouldn't have ever seen anything like it. However if there was anything, it's all deleted, only that one line about it being operational remains, which, coupled with the fact that his ingame graphics changed and don't portray it anymore, points to it being just an undeleted line). - Anna