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The probes are small space vessels designed to travel to distant galaxies and collect data about the concentration of minerals in the surrounding planets.


After the discovery of the over-c drive in 2227, many Earth corporations began sending probes to distant planetary systems to collect data about the planets' resources that could justify expeditions there.

The Nugget.

In 2229, the DDT sent a deep probe to the unexplored HR-13-4198 sector to scan each planet there for valuable minerals. The company's AI was analyzing the data, until it found what was to be called the Nugget in the Fabricotti 342 system, a planet with an unprecedented mineral concentration. Its location was immediately sent to the Toronto, the corporate most advanced space ship, which soon began its travel there.


The DDT probe reported various information about the planet, some correct and some which turned out to be fake.

  • The same distance from its sun as the Earth (true, it's in the habitable zone).
  • Filled with mineral oil, uranium and other valuable minerals under its surface (while the specific resources aren't known, the planet has large mineral deposits under its surface).
  • Smaller than Earth in size (apparent by the lack of large continents or distances between islands).
  • Gravitation acceleration of 0.8 G (the precise number not attested, but is a bit smaller than 1 G).
  • Desert climate (fake, only on the Umajo desert).
  • Having a heavy core (possible to compensate its gravity compared to its size).
  • Day and night temperature of 50 and 0 °C, respectively (possibly on the desert, but less extreme, 25 °C in other places).
  • Oxygen is present in the atmosphere, but not sufficient for breathing (false, the atmosphere is completely breathable and rich on oxygen).
  • No axial tilt causes absence of seasons (correct).
  • Days and years of approximately the same length as Earth's (correct).
  • Its sun is similar to Earth's, but more reddish by a small amount (correct as well).
  • Large and vast clouds above the surface (visibly true).