Oqulo Kamulos

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The Oqulo Kamulos are the higher caste of warriors of Kenget Kamulos, who learn to master their fear and use their spirit to perform magic. Their training consists of meditation, concentration exercises, trances, and auto-suggestion, at the end of which they reach Artorn. Usually, the Cuain is selected from the Oqulo.


  • The Proto-Celtic root oqulo[1] means "eye".



Tactical 49.pngTactical 50.png

Life points: 80, 120, 155
Magic type: Oqulo Kamulos
Spell points: 100, 120, 100
Monster 37.png
Monster 38.png

These magic-using enemies are scattered throughout Khamulon. They have three variants, but only two of them have unique sprites, despite there being a unique graphics for the third type found in the game files.


  1. Urkeltischer Sprachschatz, page 48 – oqulo-s (Google Books, Internet Archive)