List of occurrences

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This page lists various things of interest in Albion, unique situations or features.


  • A unique sequence plays out in the Dji-Kas building with Fasiir, showing how magic can create plants in mere seconds. The plant remains in the location even after the show.


  • Among the many lifeforms in the jungle can be found swarms of insects, requiring the use of Item 154.pngfragrant water to keep them away.


  • The mountain pass that connects the northern and southern half of the continent contains randomly appearing bandit groups.


  • In order to pass, a Item 218.pngbucket of water is needed to extinguish the many flames that often block the path.
  • There are also magical luminous walls, that can be dispelled by a Item 204.gifblue staff, and damage the party when walked through.


  • Walking into the secret corridor In the upper level leads into a situation that puts the player against an infinite number of enemies, with more appearing after every combat.
  • A similar situation happens on one of the lower levels, where there is an arena that spawns random monster groups composed of krondir, kizz, brogg and animal each time it is entered.

Umajo desert

  • To travel long distances in the desert, Item 153.pngPorenoil is necessary, to survive the heat.


The workshop of the Equipment Makers' guild hosts many interesting things:

  • A puzzle on the upper level requires extinguishing the light in the room to see specially marked floor panels. This is the only location in the 2D maps where there can be complete darkness.
  • The central area of the same map is inhabited by a warniak swarm, but unlike other monsters in the game where one monster NPC corresponds to a single combat with potentially multiple real monsters, this time the swarm is defeated as a whole and all the warniak NPCs are removed when the combat is won. This combat's background is also set to that of Khamulon.
  • There is an anvil-like device, left there by Akka, that can be used to "upgrade" swords.