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Umajo-Kenta is the city of the Umajo, the Metalmakers. It lies on the shores of the sea, and is surrounded by a vast desert. The Umajo here sell the best of all sorts of artificial goods, including exceptionally powerful non-magical weapons.


  • The name of the city may come from the Proto-Celtic roots umájo[1] ‒ copper, bronze, brass, or perhaps ore in general, and kentâ[2] ‒ permission. It's possible the name of the city came first and was eventually shortened to just Umajo for the nation.

Known inhabitants



  1. Urkeltischer Sprachschatz, page 55 – umájo- (Google Books, Internet Archive)
  2. Urkeltischer Sprachschatz, page 78 – kentâ (Google Books, Internet Archive)