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Arjano is the school of the Druids. It is situated to the north of Vanello, and is mostly underground. Access can be gained through a small hut on the surface. There is also a sacred grove consisting of a single oak, Qrenno, nearby.

A majority of Arjano's underground complex is in fact unused. Levels below the first are known as Drinno, and stand as a testament to the "civil war" of the druids in the past, when the Kenget Kamulos separated from the rest. Drinno is now filled with traps, beasts and demons left behind after the war.

Known inhabitants


  • The name of the school may come from the Proto-Celtic root arjâno[1] ‒ guard (watcher).


  1. Urkeltischer Sprachschatz, page 17 – ⟨p⟩arjâno-s (Google Books, Internet Archive)