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Portrait 28.png
Portrait 28.png
Gender: Male
Nation: Iskai

Akiir was a Stri and the head of the Dji-Fadh. He is the father of Sira, who against his wishes joined the Dji-Kas.

His wife was the sister of Sebai-fre Fasiir. On a day with bad weather, she lost her life during a hunting trip and Fasiir blamed Akiir for her death of his sister because Akiir insisted to her to come with him.

He was present at the ceremony of Janiis in honor of Briid where Tom Driscoll and Rainer Hofstedt were also invited.

Akiir's murder


Akiir learnt he has had an uncurable desease with only several months remaining for him. He carefully planned his own murder, only telling Bradir about it. He hired a murderer from the Kenget Kamulos to kill him during Sebainah's ceremony. He also bribed Kriis with a great amount of gold to accuse Fasiir for planning the murder, seeing his final revenge in that.

However, he hasn't expected the arrival of Tom and Rainer, who were charged by Jirinaar laws with solving the crime due to them being humans. The two, together with Drirr found the remains of the murderer and got Bradit testify to Janiis.